This blog tries to get a bit deeper into the nature of the trees around me, mainly in the Low Weald of Kent.

Sunday 21 April 2013

April - Blackthorn

The blackthorns are now leafing out well, some showing some flower, but I think we have missed the stunning early display of flower on the leafless bushes that we usually see in early spring.

It may be that it is the weather last summer/autumn (leading to a failing of the flower bud to form properly?) that is most responsible for this, rather than the long drawing out of winter that we have seen this spring, but I haven't seen anything in the magazines about this. I might ask the Woodland Trust whether they know.

The neat serrations on the margin of the leaf are present from an early stage in development and become very clear at this quarter size or so, as the leaves unfold. The surface is quite shiny as well!

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