This blog tries to get a bit deeper into the nature of the trees around me, mainly in the Low Weald of Kent.

Saturday 10 October 2015

Special trees of Cobtree Manor Park

As you arrive in the car park you are flanked by two Holm Oaks, and Norway Maples. There are interesting Limes, Oaks, fine Italian Alders and Sorbus in around the car park, a Broad-leaved Cockspur Thorn in the bay to the right of the main car-park, and a False Acacia by the toilets.

Before the stream on the left of the path, there are Turkish Hazels of various forms. As you cross the stream, there is a Grey Alder on your right and Honey Locusts to the right of the old Cherries. Beyond those there are Turkey Oaks and Silver Limes. Scarlet Oak? Roble and Eucalyptus niphophila by the Elephant House I think, Hybrid Tree and Willow-leaved Cotoneaster, Caucasian Wingnut, Pagoda Trees (is there a Pendula further along?), a huge Silver Maple, Swedish Whitebeam, collapsed Apple and Black Poplars on the boundary, Chestnut-leaved Oak, Foxglove tree, Golden-edged Tulip Tree, newly planted Handkerchief Trees, odd Birches. Up the top there is a newly planted Maackia and what looks like a Birch-leaved Acer.

By the pond there is Crack Willow, and more Hybrid Tree Cotoneaster, and on the other side of the path, Sweet Gum, White Willow, then going back down, Sweet Chestnuts, a group of Ash, coppiced Holm Oaks, one of Red Oaks, another of Limes, Indian Bean Tree.

By the Middle Meadow there is a Cut-leaved Hornbeam, more Limes, and on the far side there is Acer davidii, and a Wild Service Tree at the start of the Hornbeam avenue, Pears at the end?

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