This blog tries to get a bit deeper into the nature of the trees around me, mainly in the Low Weald of Kent.

Thursday 15 July 2010

Branch over A26

Since reporting this odd branch over the A26 through the automated WAMS fault reporting system run by KCC yesterday afternoon, it has been scheduled for an officer to inspect. Oddly enough the nearest householders (01732 851715) reported it to KCC about a year ago, and were told that action was likely - which one of the T&M tree officers also informally agreed was appropriate.

However nothing has apparently been done to date, so we await the outcome this time around. The first photo below is the overall situation of the tree (the interesting branch is the one projecting to the right above the road, the GPO van has passed underneath it):


and here are four views of the branch, the second photo is a closer zoom in of an apparent cut in the branch to the top-right of the first photo, and the fourth photo is a closer zoom-in of the problem area seen in the third photo.

I had a very pleasant visit to the nearby householders about this tree, which they had in fact reported to Highways over a year ago (with no apparent action, as stated above) and we just talked through some of their tree issues as well. They are fairly fully covered by TPOs and have a substantial roadside hedge, oaks, pines and eucalyptus and they are also close by a neighbour's very large sycamore. Hadlow Park Residents' Association have a regular five year inspection of all the trees in the development as they have a large number of quite large and old trees - although substantially fewer since 1987!

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