This blog tries to get a bit deeper into the nature of the trees around me, mainly in the Low Weald of Kent.

Monday 19 July 2010

Memorial cherry tree

There is a nice memorial cherry tree planted in the local cemetery that is showing some signs of stress on the one or two of the lowest branches and twigs deep under the canopy. The leaves have died and turned a uniform brown, generally with three or four small darker blotches on each. Each twig and branch has more or less turned as a unit. It might be that the roots are unhappy. The tree is about 20 years old and quite a few roots are running above ground, possibly indicating they are unhappy at depth. And then there are always leaf/twig fungal diseases to be considered.

Its early days yet but at some stage it might be worth talking to the family and suggesting that we trim off the affected twigs/branches carefully after they have seen the die-back, and then keep an eye on the tree for the future.

Weather quite windy over the weekend but no resulting tree or branch problems in the village that I have seen this week, and its getting quieter now. Dragonflies and damselflies seem to have almost vanished from the local gravel pits and their surrounding fields by the Medway in the cold blowy conditions.

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